Bruisers: Nancy, Douglas, Rob, EricB, KarenC, EricG, Ron, Anders, Jessica, ScottE, DaveS, KarenT, Randii, and Ian.
Bruiser fans: nobody :(
Diners at Hill Street Cafe: KarenT, Ron, Anders, Jessica and KarenC.
Notable quotes from the dugouts:
"_I_ know how to control a woman" (Bruiser Randii)
"He's not our manager! He's just a guy with a clipboard and a big mouth!" (Homer Richard)
Box Score:
Inning | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Total | Homers | 2 | 6 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 23 | Bruisers | 0 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
It was a beautiful day for the first game of the Bruisers' tenth season. We had to wait for the little leaguers to get out of the way before we could set up, but hey, I guess that was our own fault for trying to get set up so the game could start on time. The game was fun with plenty of laughs, despite the final score. Even though the Homers won by 19 runs, we still claim the moral victory having held them to just two home runs, which is actually pretty good considering that their B Leaguers have been playing for several weeks already. But hey, at least we weren't shut out, right? :)
We did have some good defensive highlights. In the first inning, EricB(LF) made a good throw to EricG(SS) who fired the ball to Douglas(3B) who beat hotdogging Homer Ron to third base, then Rob(CF) caught a long fly ball, and KarenC(2B) snagged a hard liner. In the second inning, Ron(1B) made a good unassisted out, then EricG(S) caught a liner, and then Nancy(P) fielded a grounder and got it to Ron for the out. In third inning, Douglas(3B) caught a high fly ball, then EricG caught a fly ball, then we hit mercy. Yaay for mercy!
We didn't have any home runs or triples, but KarenT gets the "Oopsie" award for finding out the penalty for running into a batted ball in the third inning. RBIs were earned by Douglas, Ron, Anders and ScottE.
Our next game is next Tuesday, April 24, on field HS (grass) against the Gravity Frawgs (merged Gravity Fielders and Dawg/Frawgs). So far, I think we'll only be missing Linda and BobG. Have a great week and weekend, everyone.
Gooooooo Bruisers!
Karen :)