Bruisers: KarenC, Ron, Anders, EricG, Amy, Jose, Nottellin*, Nancy, EarlC, ScottE, Jes, BobG, EricB, and KarenT. Many thanks to Jose and Nottellin for helping us out!
Bruiser Fans: Rachel and Dave
Bruiser Diners at Corner Bakery: Anders, Earl, EricB, ScottE, Nancy, KarenC, and Ron
Bruiser bruises: Anders' knee from his tumble-slide into third in the first inning, and EricB's knee after sliding into the base peg at third base (when did those things get installed?) in the fifth inning
Box Score:
Inning | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Total | Homers | 1 | 0 | 4 | 10 | 3 | 2 | 20 | (their version, but the end total is the same) | Bruisers | 2 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 9 |
It was quite the first game. Nice weather, nice Bruiser turnout, and nice to get the game against the Homers overwith. It should be noted that while the Bruisers did manage to worry the Homers for the first couple of innings while we held the lead, it's especially important to note that the Homers scored ZERO home runs in the entire game! Whoo-hoo!! They also weren't able to mercy us until the fourth inning. Once the Homers realized they would fail constantly against Nottellin, our fabulous left fielder, they changed their tactic to ding as many balls into the trees as possible for the tree-rule doubles.
Defensively, Nottellin was our MVP, catching everything that came to him in left field. The first inning outs came with a fly ball to Nottellin(LF) in a nice running catch, EricG(SS) assisting KarenC(2B) for a forceout, and then EricG(SS) getting one to Ron(1B). In the second inning, EricG(SS) caught some air with a nice leaping catch for the first out, and the next two outs went to Nottellin(LF). The third inning started with a nice Nottellin(LF) catch, and then BobG(SS) caught two liners in a row. The fourth inning was a bit ugly, but in between Homer runs (this is when they decided to start dinging balls into the trees), EricG(3B) cannoned a ball to Ron(1B), and then BobG(SS) fed a grounder to Ron(1B), and then we hit mercy. Phew! We appreciate the mercy outs. We really do. Probably more than we really should publicly admit at times. The next inning started with a mercy out, then BobG(SS) got a grounder to KarenC(2B) for a force, then Earl(3B) winged one across the field to Ron(1B) for the next out. In the sixth, EricG(SS) made a nice running catch of a popup, we hit mercy again, and then Earl(3B) combined with Ron(1B) for the final out.
Offensively, we looked a tick rusty. We had no home runs, but we did get a triple from Ron. EricG gets the first Sneaky Feet award for getting to second in the sixxth inning. Ron wuz robbed when the shortstop speared his line drive. RBIs were earned by Ron, EricG, Earl, Jes, EricB (3), and BobG (2). We need to practice getting tree doubles!
Our next game is Monday, April 28, on field HS (grassy knoll) against the Gravity Frawgs. Everyone please be sure to let me know if you'll be there or not. It's supposed to be warm, and the outfielders will be facing the sun, so bring water, sunglasses and hats!
Karen :)