Bruisers vs. Gravity Frawgs, April 24, 2007

Bruisers: KarenC, Ron, EricG, Ann, EarlM, Ian, Nancy, EarlC, Randii, BobbyJoe, Jes, ScottE, Anders, Ellie, and DaveR. It should be noted that, despite ScottE's being far down on the lineup, this was the second week in a row that he arrived before the game started! :)

Bruiser Fans: the little fluffy white dog which ran around our infield and then peed on EricB's bat

Tie-game Diners at Crown City: Ron, Nancy, EricB, Jes, Anders, and Karen

Bruiser Bruises: Ian's thigh (no worries, the Wessen line is safe!)

Moral of the Story: There really is no lead great enough to give up.

Box Score:
Gravity Frawgs0016016

It was a bright and beautiful afternoon, and after helping them set up the field, we settled in for what turned out to be a really fun game. Emotions ran the gamut from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows as Nancy threw three shut-out innings, while KarenC gave up 16 runs in an outing so horrible she almost needed a beer. She's decided to blame it on Randii who jinxed the inning when he came up as catcher and asked "So, is this going to be our meltdown inning?" For the tie, we are thankful. :) Meanwhile, Randii needs to go outside somewhere and do the spinning and spitting thing before the next game.

Some defensive highlights: Nancy(P) made a nice catch for an out in the first inning, and EricB(LF) made one in the outfield. In the second inning, Ron(1B) was a busy guy fielding throws from EarlM(SS), Nancy(P) (from her knees!) and EricB(3B). The third inning was pretty ugly with lots of missed balls (the outfielders got to do plenty of running around); Ron(1B) demonstrated his best "don't you dare" growl intimidating the runner back to third base. In the last inning... nothing was written down! I recall KarenC(2B) tagging the runner after a nice toss from EarlM(2B) and at least one nice popup catch.

Offensive highlights include Ron's hit in the first inning which caused a collision between Tony and Gerry in the outfield, with Tony managing to hold onto the ball. We had no home runs (EarlC's double would have been if it were a little more to the left) or triples, and RBIs were earned by KarenC (3), EarlM, Ian (2), Nancy, EarlC (4), Anders (2), Ellie, and DaveR (2). It must be noted that when Ann came to her second at-bat in the third inning and needed a runner, it was discovered that NONE of the women had made any outs while batting up to that point! EricB gets tonight's Twinkletoes award for scooting into third base ahead of a tag. Frawg pitcher John Bennett gets the "Be Careful What You Ask For" award for challenging Jessica to "hit it back to me", which she graciously did... a hard liner that almost knocked his head off! Good thing he had his glove up.

Next week's game is on Monday, April 30 against the LAMP Fringes. Kent has already been reminded to bring his kids, and hopefully Renaud will, too. We'll be home team. So far I only know that we'll be missing Douglas and Ian (therefore probably also Randii).

Have a great weekend!

Karen :)