Bruisers: Nancy, Rob, Eric G, BobG, KarenT, Ron, Eric B, Douglas, Elizabeth (Bruiser debut - recruiting points to Douglas), Paul H (Bruiser debut), Randii & Ian W (Bruiser debuts), Ann, BobbyJo, Mandell, and Emily.
Bruiser fans: Karen C (off to Hong Kong that night), Julie, and Elizabeth's yummy cookies.
Bruiser diners at Crown City: Nancy, EricB, BobG, Julie, Emily, KarenT, and Ron
Bruiser bruises: Emily and Nancy
Box Score:
Inning | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Total | Bruisers | 1 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 7 | Radars | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 0 | x | 9 |
Many thanks to Douglas's friend Elizabeth, who not only brought chocolate chip cookies but was willing to put on Karen's cleats and play when we were short women at the start of the game! Ann and then Emily showed up just in time, but we talked her into batting anyway. And she knocked a run in! Unfortunately the rest of the Bruiser bats were much quieter than last week (can we have some of those 22 runs back?), or we could have won this one. We can blame the cold weather.
We did better hanging on to the ball this week, with only 1 run scored against us that I can recall from a bad throw. The outfielders need to practice backing each other up - a little extra running is GOOD on a cold day, guys! As you can see from the score there were no blow-out innings and we had a few good defensive plays. Ron made an unassisted out in the 1st, followed by Ian debuting with a nice catch in center, and then Nancy caught a popup between home and the "mound". There are no notes for the next two innings, but in the 4th Eric made a great outfield catch, then Nancy made a half-dive half-fall snag of a grounder and got the (luckily slow) runner. Paul H ended the inning with a pop fly to the catcher. We got them out 1-2-3 in the 5th, two from Bob to Ron, and one from Nancy to Ron.
In the first inning, EricG got a double and scored on BobG's single. In the 2nd inning, Ron and EricB got singles and scored on Douglas's triple, who was then knocked in by Elizabeth.And in the 4th, Rob and EricG got singles, BobG knocked one in with a double, and our final two runs scored on Ron's single. That's all folks - the bottom half of the lineup is woefully highlight and RBI free!
For our next game we are home team against the Paper Tigers on Wednesday May 3 on field H9 (the fountain, same one as this week). We'll be missing: Paul Herrera, Douglas, probably Juan. Everyone else make sure you reply to Karen's reminder next week!
Nancy Vandermey