Bruisers vs. Voodoo TOAD Fury, May 2, 2000
Bruisers who made it to the game despite JPL's email system's illness: KarenC, Scott, Marc, Jes, Mikael, Earl (new Bruiser), JohnK, KarenT, BobbyJoe, Renaud, Kent, Liza (new Bruiser), Jeff (new Bruiser), Mary Beth, Dave, and JohnD.
Spectators (well, sort of, anyway!): Jesse, Cassie, Ellie and Simon
Baja Fresh Customers: Earl, Marc, KarenC, JohnD (who gets the "Oops, I think I need a bib" award), Renaud, KarenT, Liza, Jeff, Jes, and JohnK.
Box Score:
Inning | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Total | TOADs | 1 | 6 | 7 | 2 | 8 | 24 | Bruisers | 0 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 5 |
Yikes! Well, it's nice to finally get that first game out of the way. And, playing the TOADS, we knew it would probably end up something like this. Actually, however, it was noted that considering we'd had no fielding practices in the off-season we didn't do toooooo bad. But, we do need some practice. We'll get better as the season goes on, right? :)
Things looked optimistic in the beginning as we held the TOADS to just one run, then things kinda got away from us. We had no home runs or huge hits, but RBIs were knocked in by JohnK (2), BobbyJoe, Scott, and Marc. Tonight's highlights include JohnK making all the outs in the first inning, Kent's shoestring catch in right field in the second inning, and BobbyJoe's catch in right field in the fourth inning. Blooper reel highlights come from your beloved manager's inability to hang on to her bat when hitting (don't worry, I'll practice or provide everyone with protective headgear) and the 4-player miss of an infield fly ball in the third inning.
Annnnyway! Next game is next Tuesday May 9, so there's plenty of time to heal that first-game soreness and find your tubes of Ben Gay. I know we'll be missing Andy, Marc, JohnK, Garson and probably Earl. Everyone else please be sure I know whether to expect you or not.
By the way, a kid's fielding glove was left at the field, and it's currently in the BruisŁnĘ it's your kid's, let me know!
See ya then!
Karen :)