Bruisers vs. Homers 5/17/00

Bruisers: Lori (graciously loaning herself from the TOADs, thank you!), Andy, JohnK, JohnD (who showed up third to the field!), Tina, Garson (Bruiser debut), Marc, Dan (ringer from Slovenia by way of Connecticut, recruiting points to Marc), KarenT, Abi, Marion (Bruiser debut, recruiting points to Anders), Nancy, and Dave.

Spectators: KarenC, Jesse, Ellie, Cassie, Simon, Cassie's friend Benoy, and Benoy's mom Kaushiki.

Baja Fresh Diners: Jesse, Dave, JohnK, Nancy, Andy, Tina, ScottB, JohnD, KarenT, Marc, Dan, and KarenC.

Box score: 

Inning    1  2  3  4  5  6  7  Total 
Bruisers  0  1  0  1  2  1  0    5 
Homers    6  5  1  2 10  6  x   30 

The Homers once again proved their overqualification for C League. Any further comment would be blown off as sour grapes.

Despite the lopsided score, we didn't do too terribly. We got some really good catches in the outfield by Dan, Lori and Dave, and some good infield plays as well. Highlights included home runs by Dan (2) and Marc. RBIs were knocked in by JohnK, Marc, Dan (2) and Nancy. We got some good hits, but need to watch out for those double plays. The "Whatchoo talking 'bout Willis??" Award goes to the Homer (who shall remain nameless) who said "oh no, they're coming back" when we got multiple runners on base in the sixth inning.

Our next game is Thursday May 25 on field H3 again against the Deep Space Cadets. Remember, game time is 5:30, but you should arrive early to stretch and warm up. I already know we'll be missing Dave and Andrew next week. I do plan to be back in uniform and playing for the Bruisers next week. Please be sure I know if you plan to be at the game.

See you then! Karen :)