Bruisers: KarenC, EricG, Ron, KarenT, Douglas, Emmanuell, DaveM, Nancy, EricB/ScottE, BobG, Emily, Mandell, Chris (recruiting points to BobG), Pat, Ian, Randii, and Ann. ScottM was there, too, but this night he was the enemy (and target practice for his own team).
Bruiser Fans: BobT, Elizabeth (Douglas'), and JoJo (Mandell's friend)
Bruiser Bruises: none!
Diners at Baja Fresh: Ron, BobG, Chris, KarenT, ScottE, Ann, KarenC, and Nancy.
Box Score:
Inning | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Total | Bruisers | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 7 | Homers | 1 | 3 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 3 | x | 19 |
It was a pleasant afternoon, with the Homer presence being marked by their newest little member, three-week old cutie Renee Limonadi. Homer pitching lacked some talent (creating a Homer manager inquiry to move the pitching rubber closer to home plate [request denied]), but their fielding didn't. It should be noted that the Homers scored 12 runs in the inning after EricB left to play volleyball.
Defensively, the Bruisers did their best to minimize the Homers' attempt to add to their individual home run stats, holding them to just two home runs. Even with the ugly inning (which, it should also be noted, that the Bruisers went into leading!), we did have some great plays, including cheer-worthy catches of most of the big fly balls of their bigger hitters by Emannuell and Chris all over the outfield. Doug(C) made a nice catch of a pop foul in the first inning, and that was followed by a highlight-reel double play between BobG(SS) and Pat(1B). Pat(1B) made the play of the game in the fourth inning, snagging a scorching line drive that screeched into her glove faster than you could say "Richard, DON'T HACK AT THE BAD STUFF!" (see what happens when you hack at the bad pitches?). In the fifth, BobG(SS) made an excellent leaping catch of a line drive to end that inning. Emmanuell(CF) gets the "how'd he get there so fast?" award for magically appearing in right field (f! rom center) to catch one of the fly balls.
Offensively, Randii had our only home run (the rest of you - NO FLY BALLS!). RBIs were earned by KarenC, Ron, Mandell, Randii, and Ann (3). BobG gets another TwinkleFingers award for getting his fingers back onto second base ahead of a tag on his double, and Emily gets double style points for her slide into third base.
Our next game is Tuesday May 23 against the Titans on field H7 (corner), where we'll be the visiting team. Be there or be square!
See you then!
Karen :)