Bruisers vs. L.A. Radars, May 18, 2005
Bruisers: KarenC, Juan, EricB, Nancy, RandyB, EricG, BobG, Lyna, Ron, DaveS, Jes, Mandell, and ScottE. BobbyJoe played as a Radar this time.
Bruiser Fans: Shaunna and RandyD
Crown City Victory Diners: Juan, ScottE, BobG, Jes, Nancy, Eric, Ron, and KarenC.
Tragedy of the game: KarenC's Jackhammer bat broke!
Quote of the Game: "At least it wasn't a collision!"
Box Score:
Inning | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Total | L.A. Radars | 1 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 11 | Bruisers | 4 | 6 | 4 | 3 | 0 | X | 17 |
It was a great game for us, thanks, in part, to the Radar pitcher, April, who didn't manage to arc any of her pitches at much above six feet, allowing Bruiser batters to pretty much tee off big time. Oddly enough, Radar management didn't seem to care enough to fix it. At any rate, the weather was beautiful, the grass was mowed (for once!), a dozen Radar kidlets were very cute and happy to be out in the sun, we survived a couple of Keystone Cops-type plays, and were reminded that balls that roll right over the base are fair, not foul, and the Bruisers won their second game of the season.
Defensively, we had some pretty good moments, right from the start. In the first inning RandyB(OF) made a beautiful slide with a catch, and EricG(SS) made a good throw to KarenC(2B) for a force out. The second inning went quickly with a really good BobG(SS)-Ron(1B) out, followed by a good catch by Juan(OF), folowed by another really good BobG(SS)-Ron(1B) out. RandyB's first inning sliding catch was prime candidate for all the style points until BobG(OF)'s awesome rolling catch in right field in the third. Little did BobG know, however, this batter would bite him back later in the game. In the fourth inning, we had two great 5-3 (Mandell(3B)-BobG(1B)) plays, and KarenC(P) made a good two-handed catch to get a high infield pop up. Mandell(3B) showed off his dance style with a graceful jete catch to end the top of the fifth inning, and in the sixth inning made a great throw to Ron(1B) in time to get the runner.
Offensively we did well, getting multiple runs in every inning except the fifth where we only had two outs anyway. Home runs were hit by Juan, EricB, and Ron. RBIs by Juan (4), EricB (3), Nancy (2), Randy B, EricG, Ron, DaveS, Jes, Mandell, and ScottE (2). We mercied the Radars on ScottE's 2-RBI double to end the third inning, and kept them there until the sixth inning. BobG was the only Bruiser with no hits in this game, his most notable out being handed to him by the gal who's hit he'd gotten with the rolling catch, out in right field.
Our next game is next Thursday May 26. We'll be home team against Voodoo TOAD Fury (aka Dave & Kelly's team). Everyone should be sure I know if they're coming or not.
Have a great weekend! I've gotta go bat shopping now.
Karen :)