Bruisers: KarenC, Jose, Gerardo, Nancy, EricB, Randy, Nora, Ron, Simon, Nimisha, Shane, Paul, Jes, and ScottE
Bruiser fans: none
Bruiser diners at Corner Bakery: Nancy, EricB, Wendy, Paul, Jose, Gerardo, Ron, and KarenC
Box Score:
Inning | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Total | TOADs | 3 | 3 | 4 | 8 | 3 | 2 | 23 | Bruisers | 6 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 17 |
It was cold and drizzly for most of the day, but by game time the clouds had lifted some, it had warmed up some, and the sun found itself peeping out some. We actually led for the the first three innings, much to TOAD Ruler Charlie's chagrin. Then, we had a meltdown inning from which we couldn't recover. Maybe I shouldn't have rubbed Bobak's head. At least, however, we ended the game out of mercy. :)
TOAD outs came like this: In the first inning, Gerardo(LD) caught a fly ball, then Jose(SS) combined with Ron(1B) for a double play. In the second inning, Jose(SS) fielded a ground ball and got it to Ron(1B), then Ron(1B) caught a hard line drive, and then Gerardo(LF) caught a big fly ball. In the third, Gerardo(LF) caught another fly ball, then Jose(SS) fielded a ground ball and flipped it to Nora(2B) for a force out, and then Jose(SS) caught a high pop up. In the fourth, Gerardo(LF) caught a looooong fly ball, then Simon(3B) and Nora(2B) caught pop ups. In the fifth, Simon(SS) caught a little fly ball, then Karen(2B) stopped a grounder and flipped it to Jose(SS) to force the runner from first, and the third out was a mercy out. In the sixth inning, Nora(2B) caught a line drive, then we were in mercy again, and then Simon(3B) got a grounder to Shane(1B) for the last out.
Offensive highlights include a huge home run blast by Simon, triples by ScottE and Nora, and a tree double by Gerardo. RBIs by Jose, Gerardo, EricB (3), Nora (2), Ron (2), Simon (3), and Paul (2). EricB gets the "D'oh!" award for getting caught in a rundown between first and second bases in the fifth inning. (There weren't that many offensive highlights written in the margins today).
Our next game is Wednesday May 26 when we'll be the home team against the Eclectic Eccentrics. A little birdie reminded me that we need to check them for an illegal bat which showed up in previous seasons and at least one game this season.
Have a great weekend!