Bruisers: KarenC, birthday boy DaveS, Emmanuell, Nancy, Ron, BobG, Pat, Chris, Douglas, Ann, EricB, DaveM, KarenT, PaulH, Ian, Jes, Randii, and Linda
Bruiser fans: DaveS' grandkids Colin and Nathaniel, DaveS' son Dan, DaveM's wife Julie, DaveM's daughter Abigail, and ScottE. Thanks to DaveS' wife for the yummy carrot cake cupcakes!!
Bruiser Diners at Hill Street: ScottE, Jes, BobG, KarenT, Chris, Ron, KarenC, and PaulH.
Notes to self: If we're playing the Titans, set up the field for them even if they're home team since we'll have to fix it for them anyway... first base person should always wear hat and sunglasses, esp. if the sun is setting... and whatever you do, don't let KarenC pitch if we're leading in the second half of the game (sorry gang!)...
Box Score:
Inning | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Total | Bruisers | 0 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 7 | Titans | 2 | 2 | 0 | 13 | x | 17 |
We had beautiful, sunny (just about too sunny!) weather for a softball game, and we looked good going into the fourth inning, until... the real Bruisers returned. We'll keep it together better next time. Right? Right! (Just for fun, we'll blame it on Douglas, who left during the fourth inning; I picked on EricB last week, so I have to be an equal opportunity picker-oner). ;) Game notes are a bit sparse tonight, so apologies in advance if anyone's highlight got missed.
Our defense was actually pretty good until the Titans started hitting their line drives up the middle. We had some really nice outfield catches by EricB and Emmanuell. The second inning featured a BobG(SS)-Doug(1B) double play, and the third inning had a nice double play between BobG(SS)-Ron(1B) to force the runner who was off the base. BobG and Ron combined again for the third out that inning. In the fourth, KarenC(P) and DaveM(3B) made nice plays to Randii(1B), and then we had the mercy out. Sigh.
Offensively, we had a home run from Douglas, and RBIs were earned by Pat, Chris (2), Douglas (2), Jes, and Randii. KarenC was robbed of a hit by the Titan left fielder who was inside the cone line at the pitch -- we'll need to keep a better eye out on that (plus, the cones couldn't possibly have been at 150 feet).
Our next game is next Tuesday, May 30. We'll be home team against the Wild Turkeys on field H9 (fountain). I think we'll be missing Amy, Shaunna, Juan, and maybe Jes. I'll send the normal reminder out tomorrow, and a supplemental reminder Tuesday since it's the day after a holiday.
Have a great weekend!