Bruisers: KarenC, ScottM, Bryan, Jes, Eric, Don, Ann, Ron, John, Nancy, Anders, Shaunna, Leo, KarenT, BobbyJoe, Amy, and Scott E.
Bruiser fans: none :(
Dinner crowd at Crown City Brewery: John, Anders, KarenT, Ron, Ann, Eric, Nancy, Jes, ScottM and KarenC.
Bruisers who came injured: none :)
Bruisers who left injured: Jes (bruise to upper arm) and Don (bruise to shin)
Box score:
Inning | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Total | Bruisers | 2 | 0 | 0 | 11 | 0 | 3 | 16 | Crawdads | 6 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 5 | x | 23 |
The bottom of the third inning was looooonnnng for the Bruisers, and the top of the fourth inning was looooonnnng for the Crawdads, and in the end, the Crawdads prevailed. During that looooonnnng third inning, the following new Bruisers slogan took life: "Bruisers: We give 'em, we take 'em, we have nurses!". During that inning, there was also time to make the following observation that "while the Crawdad's new team shirts were stunning, their socks were a fashion emergency", which spawned sock checks on everyone in the dugout (don't ask me... I was in the field serving up 12 runs!). Yeah, we really have to make those innings shorter... :)
Despite the end results, there were plenty of highlights to mark during the game. Defensively, Jes(SF) made a good top in the first inning, ScottM(LF) made two good catches in the outfield and Shaunna(2B) teamed up with Ron(SS) to get a runner coming into second base. Defense looked sloppy in the third inning when we had a conflagration of three Bruisers run to a little fly ball... but nobody caught it (call it, guys, call it!!!) Leo(3B) gets "Enforcer of the Day" for making two outs (or six, depending on if you count the repeated tags of the runners) in the fourth inning, including one where he completely upended the gal (who was half his size!). ScottE(LF) made a terrific snowcone catch to end that inning. Don(SS) made the big sacrifice in the fifth inning, stopping a ball with his shin to hold the runners.
Defensively, we had no home runs, but had 13 Bruisers in a row hit singles to score 11 runs in the fourth inning. BobbyJoe gets the patience award for fouling off five pitches before hitting a single to start off the fourth inning. RBIs were hit in by ScottM (2), Bryan (3), Jes (2), Eric (3), Ann, Ron, John (2), Nancy, and Anders. The Crawdads get the "who IS that loud obnoxious guy?" booby prize for their semi-pro-softballer dad-of-one-of-the Crawdad-kids who definitely didn't belong in C League.
Our next game is Thursday June 12 against the Paper Tigers on field H2. We are the visiting team. I know we'll be missing Mikael, Andrew and ScottM; everyone should be sure to let me know if they're coming. Currently, we have no game the week of June 16, but that might change if we get more fields to play on, so stay tuned.
See you next week!
Karen :)