June 2, 1997 vs. Goat Scouts

Business first: Team batting practice on Saturday June 14, 6:00 p.m. at Grand Slam in Monrovia. Dinner afterwards for interested parties. Let me know if you're interested so I can reserve enough time at the cages.

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Now, on to last night's game:

Who played (in order of arrival, at least while I was watching): Karen, Jes, John, Andy, Gary, Marc, Rich, Gretchen, Tina, Jenny, Steve, Mark, Manley, and Beth.

Who watched: Claire, Emily, Max, Barbara, and Toto.

Who won: Oh, take a wild guess...

Who ate: John, Jes, Marc, Gary and Karen. Joined later by John Donlin and Reynold (sorry, I'm sure that's spelled wrong, but I'll get it right next week).

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... oops, that's a different story. Oh, here we go:

The cry of the day was "I don't need no stinking oxygen!!" from home run hitter Andy Morrison, as he made his way to home after a long hit that bypassed both the short fielder and center fielder in the 7th inning. "Go, Daddy! Go Grandpa!" was the call from the sidelines.

Admittedly, it wasn't our best game, losing 17-7. But, we got some very good-looking hits and nice plays in the field, and made as many attempts at double plays as Gary could muster. Running tip: right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot, stay vertical... RBIs were earned by Andy, Steve, Gretchen (2), Tina, and Mark (2).

Dinner took place at Round Table where Marc and Gary compared knee surgery scars, games of tank and penny football were played, and life in general was discussed. Renaud, who joined us after perservering in seeking out the game assured us that he would make his playing debut at next week's game.

Speaking of next week's game... it'll be Monday June 9 against the Deep Space Cadets. I know we'll be minus Dave and Mary Beth Redding, Mike, and Scott. Everyone else, please let me know if you'll be in attendance or not. Game time is at 5:30, arrive early to warm up, practice batting, etc., etc.

See ya!
Karen :)