Bruisers: KarenC, Scott, Andrew, Amy, Rich (testosterone loan from the Homers), JohnD, Ann, BobbyJoe, Nancy, Marc, Greg, Jes, Jim (Bruiser Debut, recruited by Amy from the Georgia League -- Welcome!), and Shaunna.
Bruiser fans: Patrick and Curly
Dinner at Crown City Brewery attended by: Jes, Ann, Amy, Nancy, Marc, Rich, Scott, and KarenC.
Bruises collected: two
Box score:
Inning | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Total | Goat Scouts | 4 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 1 | 20 | Bruisers | 2 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
Ohh Don-na, ohhh Don-na... where were you? Without their fearless leader, the Goat Scouts were lost in their lineup... getting caught trying to bat four men in a row TWICE during the game. They tried to blame the absence of their manager for their not following the rules. The game ball was lost down a gutter in the fifth inning after being flung out into the street and run over by a passing car. Poor game ball. And, unlike last week's game, it took until the fifth inning before we were mercied.
Defensively, we did pretty good. JohnD proved he was "awake and alert, despite silly rumors to the contrary" (a quote someone wrote on the scoresheet), catching a whole buncha fly balls to center field. Scott did good catching his share out in left field, too. Highlight play is the second inning's double-play started by Jes at second to BobbyJoe at first. Honorable mention for the highlight play is Rich's catch of a high line drive at short stop during which many people witnessed actual air space between his feet and the grass. The "hang up and bat" award goes to Ann, and the "put your food down and coach" award goes to JohnD who managed to coach first base without spilling any of his dinner. The only home run of the game was hit by Rich, and RBIs were knocked in by Rich (4 - yaay Rich!) and Marc. Jim hit a single and a double in his debut game.
Our next game is TUESDAY JUNE 12 on field H2 (same as tonight) against the Eclectic Eccentrics. For the first time in six weeks, we will not be the home team. The only Bruiser I know we'll be missing is Scott -- don't use him as a landmark; he's playing with the Homers that night. Hopefully, the schedule for the rest of the season will come out before I leave for England next week. Keep watching your email for the schedule.
See you next Tuesday!
Karen :)
By the way, it might interest some folks to know that the TOADs, who
had us for dinner last week, had the Homers for dessert this week,
beating them 17 to 3, plus tagging out not one, but TWO Homers at
home plate, at the same time, when the second runner ignored his
third base coach and tried to stretch his triple into a home run. An
un-named Homer gets the "pot calling the kettle black" award for
saying "Can't we get those guys tossed into B League?"