Bruisers vs. L.A. Monkeys of Pasadena, June 8, 2006

Bruisers: KarenC, Ron, DaveS, Jes, EricB, PaulF, Pat, PaulH, Juan, KarenT, Bobby Joe, Emmanuell, Nancy, BobG, Dan Scaff, Ian, Ann, Randii, EricG, and ScottE (aka Cupcake with Frosting!)

Bruiser Fans: BobT, Collin, Nathaniel, and Cara

Bruiser Diners at Round Table: Emmanuell, Jes, KarenT, Nancy, ScottE, EricB, Ann, Juan, KarenC, and Ron (and maybe one other, but my memory cells are getting faulty).

Quote from the spectators: "Way to be tall!" from the LAMP dugout to their batter

Box Score:


While the outcome was disappointing (we'll blame it on the lack of a new game ball), we made a good effort to come back from the meltdown inning, the weather was very nice, we had good snacks, and we had fun with the other team. H7 is still a terrible field to play on, but with some creativity and a couple of resets we managed to at least keep the basepaths clear of the worst ankle-breakers.

In the category of defensive highlights, Ron(SS) and Pat(!B) combined for a douple play in the first inning, PaulH(3B) made a nice catch, BobG(SS) and Ron(1B) combined for an out, and Ann(2B) made a good catch of a line drive. In the third inning PaulF(3B) caught a pop up, in the fourth PaulF(3B)and Ron(1B) combined for two outs and Juan made a great running catch in center field. Ian(LF) made a great catch (way to go, Nugget!), and EricG(SS) and Pat(1B) made a great out. Somewhere in there, KarenC(P) made a good 2-handed catch of a high infield popup. Randii(C) made a good catch when the batter popped up, but unfortunately the guy was too tall to call it an out.

Offensively, we did okay except for the last inning where all three outs went 1-3. In the first inning KarenC was given the Sneaky Feet award for hitting the turbo button to race the ball towards home (but I think it wasn't really headed there, was it, Juan?). Nancy was vindicated for having the shortstop catch her little fly ball when he had to run through the mud puddle to catch it. In the third inning PaulH became the evening's "Evil Paul" for sending KarenC around third which resulted in her getting tagged out at home. No home runs, no triples; RBIs earned by KarenC, Ron (2), DaveS, PaulF, Pat, Juan, KarenT, Bobby Joe, Ann, and Randii.

Our next game is Wednesday June 14 against the TOADs. I'll be on travel, so Nancy will be running the show. Be sure to respond to her email reminder!

A reminder to those who asked about Bruiser shirts, go to the CafePress link below to order your Bruiser gear.

Have a great weekend!
