BIG Next game is Monday July 7 (the first day back after the NOTE: holiday). We'll be playing the Cyclones, 5:30 on field H2. I know we'll be missing Jes, Barb, Dave and Mary Beth. Please remember to put the game on your calendars, and let me know whether or not you'll be there. I'll be on vacation next week, but voicemail and email reminders will still go out. [John, please help me remind Tina, since she has neither. Thanks!]* * * * * * * * Now, on to the game...
Who played for the Bruisers: Karen, Scott, John, Steve, Art, Renaud, Jenny, Gary, Abi and Gretchen, with special guest appearances by Clarissa and Peter.
* Special thanks to Bruisers Tina, Mark and Bob who graciously allowed themselves to be loaned to the IR Sox because they showed up with insufficient troops of their own. Now we just have to remind them that loaned players are supposed to play lousy, not good! ;)
Who watched: Emily, Max, Claire and Toto.
Who won: WE DID!!!! 21-20. Hey, there's that smell again...
Who celebrated at Georgees: Karen, Renaud, Gretchen and John.
Box score:
Inning | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Total | IR Sox | 5 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 20 | Bruisers | 1 | 1 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 21 |
Despite the way things looked after the top of the third inning, the Bruisers gathered their wits about them, created anarchy in the field ("Hey, aren't you supposed to be out in center? What are you doing at third?"), and came from 'waaaayyyyy behind to tie in the sixth, and then hold the IR Sox to zero runs and win the game on doubles by Gary and Abi in the seventh.
Defensively, we did well, with some great catches by Steve in left field, a very alert tag-out of the over-run at third by Scott, and lots of good stops. Offensively, our hitting and running were both very agressive. Almost everyone got at least one hit (and five triples -- the most we've had in one game ever), and we got home runs from John, Gary, and Steve (2) (his second being rather creative -- first-second-third-bench-third-home -- but we're still gonna score it as a homer). RBIs came in from Scott (2), Peter, John (4), Clarissa, Steve (3), Art, Renaud (2), Gary (3), Abi (2) and Gretchen (sorry, I know that doesn't add up to 21, but I lost track of one from the third inning). Phew!
Anyone interested in having a practice (not in the cages) on Saturday July 12? Probably in the late morning (~11:00) for a couple of hours; location TBD. If at least half a dozen of us respond positively, I'll try to find us a place. Let me know by the end of the game on July 7.
Well, I think that's enough out of me for now. Have a great holiday, everybody, stay safe and have fun!
See you on the 7th!