Who played: Karen, Scott, Mark, Clarissa, Andy, Rob, Jenny, JohnK, Gretchen, Marc, Gary, JohnD (back from a year on the DL) and Renaud.
Who watched: Emily, Max, Yves, Steve, Peter and Frances.
Who won: The Wild Turkeys 16-11
Who partook of healthy stuff (and green leafy beer) at Souplantation: Scott, JohnD, Renaud, Rob, Jenny, Max, Jill, Andy, Steve, Emily, JohnK, Yves and Karen.
Box score:
Inning | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Total | Wild Turkeys | 3 | 3 | 6 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 16 | Bruisers | 1 | 2 | 5 | 1 | 2 | x | 11 |
'Tis with sadness that we bid farewell to Rob Cosgrave who takes his American Softball Experience back to Ireland on Friday to spread the word and the game among the Irish. May they never confuse the rules of softball and cricket together!
On the other hand, we welcome Renaud's brother, Yves, who arrived yesterday to begin his summer training as a softball missionary to France. Last night's game also came with the introduction of Mssrs. Swinger (Gary), Tickler (Mark) and Spinner (is that you, Marc?) brought to us by Emily Taw.
It was a nice day for a game. We didn't win, but we kept right in there nicely. Is this our first game with no mercy outs on either side? I think it is! We made some nice defensive plays and catches, including a hold-your-breath-is-he-going-to-get-there-in time catch of a long fly ball to Gary at center. All but two of us got at least one hit. The hitting award goes to Scott for his triple and two home runs (sorry, hon, I don't think they'll count on the Homers homer list!).
NEXT GAME: Monday 7/21 at 5:30 on field H3 (where we were last night) against the Cassini Grounders. Please let me know if you'll make it to the game or not. So far, I know we'll be missing Dave, Mary Beth (boy, will I be happy to get back to Tues/Thurs games!), Bob and Brad, and I think we'll still be missing Jes and Barb.
See you Monday!