Bruisers: KarenT, ScottM, Jes, Ron, EricG, Nancy, EricB, Rob, Melissa, Mandell, Randii, Ann, KarenC and ScottE
Bruiser fans: Mandell's cute little boy Mandell II, friend Zoila, and puppy Player.
Diners at Baja Fresh: KarenC, ScottM, Nancy, EricB, KarenT, and Ron.
Quotes from the field:
"I can't see it!!" - Randii*, just before he caught it
"There's too many Erics in the outfield" - ScottM
Box Score:
Inning | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Total | Bruisers | 3 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 6 | Wild Turkeys | 2 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 10 | x | 19 |
It was, as usual, a really fun game with the Wild Turkeys, but with Gerardo and Jose on the wrong side of the field, there was no way we had a prayer of winning, as we ended up outnumbered by the Turkeys both in manpower and run count. We'd like to thank Jose for keeping our infielders cool by fanning on all those pitches in the third inning
In the first inning EricG(SS) fired a scary strike to Ron(1B) to make the first out, then Eric flipped a grounder to Jes (2B) for the second, and then Jes(2B) lobbed a grounder to Ron(1B) for the third out. In the second, Rob(3B) got one to Randii(1B) to narrowly beat the runner, then Rob(3B) and ScottE(C) combined to successfully run down the guy who was sent home when he should have been held at third, and then Randii(1B)* won his fight with the sun to catch a popup for the third out. In the third inning, Melissa(SS) got a grounder to Randii(1B) (aka "Stretch"), then Randii made an unassisted out, just beating the runner, and then Rob(3B) combined with KarenC(2B) for a force for the third out. In the fourth inning, Ann(SF) made a nice "stick your glove up, there it is" catch of a liner, Rob(3B) got a grounder to Ron(1B), and then Mandell(S) got a grounder to Ron. We melted down in the fifth inning, blowing several sure outs (including a really nice out-of-bounds popup !
catch amongst our spectators) and falling into mercy, and in the end, Rob(3B) stopped the bleeding by catching a hard liner to end the inning.
Hitwise, we were rather sluggish, with no home runs or triples. We had RBIs by Jes, EricG, Nancy, EricB, Randii, and ScottE. I think I remember a Sneaky Feet award or two, but I neglected to write them down, so if you think you deserve a Sneaky Feet award for beating a ball or fielder to a base, it's yours! :)
Our next game is next Tuesday, July 31 when we will be home team against the L.A. Radars on field HS (aka "the grassy knoll" or "swamp"). Please let me know if you'll be there or not.
Have a great weekend!