(by forfeit first, and then by runs!)

Bruisers vs. Titans, July 23, 2008

Bruisers: KarenC, EricW, Nancy, ScottM, Rob, Ann, EricG, Ron, Jes, Rich, and KarenT who played as a Titan. (Remember, the last ones to arrive are vulnerable to game day trades if the other team is short players...)

Diners at Corner Bakery: Ron, Ann, Jes, and KarenC, and a very quiet Cara.

Fans: the injured Cara (Ann's "pig dog")

Bruiser bruises: EricG's bee sting (HOW'd that happen?) and Ann's elbow

Quotes around the field:
"I dunno - I must be possessed or something!" - Ann

Box Score:

Softball gods giveth, then they taketh away. From the Titan's lineup, anyway. First, they had five guys and two gals, which weren't enough players. Then they got another guy, and hallelujah, we could have a game! Then, just before the game started, one of their gals left abruptly, and left them in the lurch and forfeit territory with just one woman. Then another guy showed up, but that still didn't work. Finally, around 6:00 they finally agreed to call it a forfeit, and borrowed one of our gals (KarenT) so we could at least get a game going. During the game, they got, I think, two more guys, but it was too late. Gee, and I thought we had trouble getting players. The Bruisers had just enough for a full team, even after loaning out KarenT, and were one player short mid-game, but managed to hold the lead for a win-by-runs.

Offensively, we did pretty well after the first inning. Outs were made like this... in the first inning, Nancy(P) rounded up a little dribbler and got it to Ron(1B), then EricW(3B) made a nice catch, narrowly missing running Nancy over, then Ron(1B) caught a really high infield popup. In the second, EricW(3B) tagged out a runner, then Jes(SF) grabbed a little blooper and tossed it to KarenC(2B) who tagged the runner coming before he could retreat to second base, then EricG(SS) made a great backup catch just behind EricW at third base. In the third, Ron(1B) caught a popup, then EricG(SS) caught a popup, and then EricG(SS) snagged a grounder and rocketed it to Ron(1B) to beat that runner. In the fourth, EricG(LF) made a nice running catch near center field, then Rich(3B) fielded a grounder and got it to Ron(1B), and then EricG(LF) made a nice reaching catch for the final out.

Defensively, we had one of those magic innings where the other team had the meltdown, and we scored 12 runs, batting around more than 1 1/2 times in the second inning. Everyone got at least hit in the game... everyone actually got at least one hit in the second inning alone! We had no home runs, but ScottM had a triple and a tree double. RBIs were earned by EricW(2), Nancy, ScottM, Rob (2), Ann, EricG (2), Ron (2), Jes, and Rich. Ron gets the night's Sneaky Feet award for making it home ahead of a throw in the second inning.

Our next game is TUESDAY, July 29, when we'll be the visiting team against the Procrastinators. I think we'll be missing Linda and Amy. Everyone else should be sure I know if you're coming (and playing) or not.

Have a great weekend!
