Bruise rs 1998

July 27 vs. IR Sox

Athletes: KarenC, Scott, Steve, Brendan, KarenT, Kenny (Bruiser debut), Mike, JohnK, Jenny, Marc, Kent, Gretchen, Hiro (Bruiser debut), Doi-chen (Bruiser debut), Andy, and JohnD.

Recruiting kudos go to Andy for maintaining the international flavor of our team by inviting his Japanese colleagues, Hiro and Doi-chen to come out and play, and to Brendan for keeping his little brother on the right playing field.

Cheerleaders: Emily, Max, Linda, Bob, and Kim.

Participants in the Round Table Feeding Frenzy during which was polished off six extra large pizzas, a bunch of pitchers of beer and soda, and a couple of kids meals in less than an hour: KarenC, Scott, Kent, Andy, Hiro, Emily, Jenny, Steve, Max, Doi chen, Marc, JohnD, Randy (who was off swimming during game time instead of playing softball), JohnK, KarenT, Kenny, Brendan, and four IR Sox.

Box score:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
IR Sox 3 0 0 3 0 1 3 10
Bruisers 3 2 0 0 7 1 x 13

Oh what a night!!! It was hot and yucky at game time, but cooled off nicely in mid-game, as was marked by the sudden coming-to-life of Max who proceeded to play with everyone he could get his hands on. The teams were evenly matched both in skill level and temperament, and the Bruisers and IR Sox got down to having a nice, friendly, close game. We even got away with having no injuries worse than a broken fingernail. In case anyone was wondering, tonight marks our third win by actual runs, in addition to the two forfeit wins this season.

Defensively we did very well, with good outfield catches by everyone who played out there, and some good infield plays to get runners. Offensively, we also did well, with home runs by Steve (2) and Andy, triples by Scott, Brendan, and Kenny, and RBI by Scott (2), Steve (4), KarenT, Marc (2), Hiro, Doi-chen, and Andy (2). The award for most enthusiastic batting of the night goes to Doi-chen who attacked the ball with more vigor than Raul Mondesi with men on base, and the award for best evasive base-running of the night goes to Kenny for making it back to first before he could become the second out of an attempted double play in the 6th inning. Contract negotiations will begin soon to keep Hiro and Doi-chen in the States to play out the season.

Our next game is Wednesday August 5 (not the day after tomorrow) on field H3 against the Wild Turkeys. We are the home team again. I know we'll be missing Dave and Mary Beth Redding, Steve and Jenny Taw, Bobbyjoe and Randy. Everyone else, please be sure I know if you're able to make it or not.

Wahoo!!!!! Good job tonight everyone!

Karen :)