Bruisers: KarenC, DaveS, EricG, Nancy, PaulF, Ron, Jes, Douglas, Rob, Pat, EricB, Photon (aka Emmanuell), Ann, Chris, Ian, and KarenT.
Bruiser Fans: BobT, Shayna, Cara, Alice (Ian's mom), and Raina (Ian's sister), misc. frisbee golfers, and the red-tailed hawk.
Bruiser diners at Hill Street Cafe: Chris, Ron, PaulF, Emmanuell, Jes, KarenC, EricB, Nancy, KarenT, Douglas, and ScottE.
Quote of the day: "I'm talkin' about the AARP line!" by Ann regarding... uh, never mind
Bruiser bruises: none!
Box Score:
Inning | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Total | Bruisers | 0 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 0 | 7 | Wild Turkeys | 0 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 5 | x | 11 |
Finally - an afternoon where we weren't already hot and sweaty before the game even started. It was a fun game, with plenty of razzing back and forth. So many players showed up for the game that we could have split into two games and used the dirt field as well. Nice! The Turkeys now are 2-0 on us for the season, but we have one more game with them in a couple of weeks to prevent a sweep. We didn't have a lot of notes on the scoresheet for this game, but let's see what I can make up...
Our defense looked pretty good, the game starting with a catch by EricG(SS), and combos from PaulF(3B)-Ron(1B) and Nancy(P)-Ron(1B). In the second inning Chris(LF) made two good catches, and both times threw all the way to Pat(1B) to try and double up the runner. It was an all-Douglas(1B) third as he made an excellent stretch to field a throw, and then made an unassisted out, and then fielded a throw from EricG(3B) for an out. In the fourth inning KarenC(P) made a 2-handed catch of a popup, and also fielded and fed a grounder to Pat(1B). PaulF made a great try to catch a foul ball, but there were too many spectators in the way. In the fifth, Emmanuell(CF) made a good catch, EricG(SS) fed to Douglas(3B) for a forceout. Turkey Matt's belly flop onto third was truly video-worthy... hey Jose, didja get that on the tape? Matt also gets the Bad Karma Ha-ha for his icky little dribbler up the first base line after publicly and loudly calling his father ugly.
Neither team scored until the third inning, which I don't remember ever happening in any of our games before. EricG got our only home run, despite his lollygagging around second (yes, I know the ground rules are sometimes confusing), and RBIs were earned by EricG(2), Ron, Douglas, Emmanuell, Ann, and Chris. Ian needed to be a little taller as he popped out to the catcher -- next year! In general, we needed to be a little more aware of where the ball was while running the bases so we didn't get put out at second base (yes, me, included!)
Our next game is Thursday August 10 on field HS (grass) against the Crawdads. We'll be the home team. As far as I know, we'll only be missing Linda, DaveS and the Reddings. We'll a team picture again, and start signups for bringing stuff to the post-season party at Ron's, which will be after the last game. All Bruisers, past and present, and Bruiser Fans are invited.
Check out pictures and verse from the Turkeys point of view on their website:
See you next week!
Ed. Note: Additional Quote: "I was talking to the hawk!" EricG about his error.