Bruisers vs. Wild Turkeys, August 4, 2008

Bruisers: Nancy, Rob, Eric B, Ann, Rich (2 innings), EricG, Ron, Jes, BobbyJoe, and Amy

Fans: Colleen. Jose and Gerardo were the "enemy" tonight ;-)

Diners at Baja Fresh: Nancy, EricB, Ron

Bruises: Ron's shin wins, much uglier looking than Nancy's, Eric's, and Amy's bruises

Box Score:
Wild Turkeys2155x22

Well, we briefly held the lead, but that didn't last long! At least we were never double-mercied.

Defensively, most plays did not get recorded as we were all in the field (All 9 of us, the 3rd inning. Where are all our Bruisers?) EricB and Ron caught fly balls and Rich made an unassisted play at 3rd. The final out in both the 2nd and 3rd innings were mercy outs.

Offensively, EricG gets a sneaky feet award, hustling both to 3rd and home on consecutive plays. EricB gets the "good stick" award for his bruise-inducing slide into 3rd, barely safe. Both Eric's also hit doubles, as did Rich. RBI's go to Ron and Amy(2) and Bobby Jo(2) and Jes and some people in the 2nd inning (unrecorded - I think EricG, BobbyJoe, Rob, Rich(2), and Ron).

Our next game is Tuesday August 12, on the grass field against the Crawdads. Everyone should look for the game reminder email from Karen and be sure we know if you're coming (and playing) or not.

Ron has once again agreed to let us come to his house after the last game (27 August) for our end of season party. Details to be discussed at next week's game and via email during the off week.
