August 12, 1997 vs. Wild Turkeys

Who came: Karen, Scott, Andy, Abi, Yves, Renaud, Annette (thanks for coming out and running for Mary Beth!!), Gretchen, Peter, Clarissa, Mary Beth, Dave, Kent and Marc.

Who watched: Pat, Jesse, Ellie, Cassie, JohnD and Jill.

Who won: Them, 18-9 (probably would have been worse if not for Sam's creative out-taking method)

Who zipped through Round Table for our quickest dinner on record: Renaud, Marc, Yves, Kent, Jill, Andy and Scott, with a brief non dining visit from JohnD.

Box score:

Our defensive game didn't look so great overall, but we did get some very plays and good catches (including Clarissa at short field, Karen at second and Yves in right), and we even got the fast-running Turkey manager Sam out at first on his ground ball. We dedicate the top of the fourth inning to the French contingent for getting all the outs. Offensively, we had a fair day. No home runs, but almost everybody got at least one hit. RBIs were earned by Scott, Annette, Abi (2), Mary Beth, Renaud, Gretchen, Peter, and Kent. Not our best game, but we're not finished yet!!!

Our next game is Thursday (next week) August 21 against the Gravity Fielders on field H2 (middle field next to water fountain). We're the visiting team. Remember, the game is supposed to start at 5:30, so arrive early to warm up and practice batting. I'm not aware that we'll be definitely missing anyone other than Mark and Rich, and possibly Gary and Jes. Everyone please make sure I know whether or not to expect you. It'll be our second-to-last game of the season.

Also.... PARTY NOTICE.... Andy and Jill Morrison have offered to host our end-of-season party attheir house after the last game (August 28). Details about cost, food, directions, etc. will be forthcoming. All Bruisers and pseudo-Bruisers are invited.

See you next week!