Bruisers vs. Gravity Fielders, August 14, 2006
Bruisers: KarenC, Rob, BobG, Nancy, EricB, EricG, Jes, Emmanuell, PaulH, Randii, KarenT, Ian, ScottE, JohnD
Bruiser Fans: Pat & BobT
Victorious Crown City Diners: JohnD, PaulH, Nancy, EricG, Emmanuell, KarenT, ScottE, BobG, Jes, and KarenC (we've got to find a second Victory Dinner place...)
Quotes from the dugout: "NO GOLFING!!" to several batters from everyone on the bench
Box Score:
Inning | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Total | Bruisers | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 15 | Gravity Fielders | 8 | 0 | 1 | 8 | 8 | 9 |
In a stunning reversal of historic behavior, the Bruisers started with a meltdown inning, but then were able to hold the Gravity Fielders back, pull ahead, and maintain the lead for the win as the Gravity fielders experienced their own meltdown. One thing to remember, when we play the GFs is to help them measure the bases, and put the cones out to their proper 150 feet. Hard to say if their poor cone placement helped or hurt the general scoring, but we'll take what we got! Our record against the Gravity Fielders is 1-1 this season.
Once we got the first-inning bugs out (we got the first two outs and then gave up the eight runs), our offense looked pretty good. EricG was a pretty busy guy, making or assisting in most of the outs. In the first inning, EricG(SS) tagged second base for an out, and later fed a grounder to KarenC(2B) for a force. In the second inning, EricG(SS) caught a screaming liner and tossed it to Jes(2B) for a double play, and then he caught another line drive for the third out of the inning. In the third, Rob(3B) made a good stretch to takd the runner for the third out. In the fourth inning, the first out was a very nice BobG(SS)-EricG(1B) combo, KarenC(P) had a hard grounder hit her in the foot and bounce off her ankle, but managed to stay with the ball, grab it, and throw it to EricB(1B) in time for him to tag the runner out, and JohnD(RF) made a nice catch of a big fly ball to end the inning. In the fifth inning Emmanuell(CF) reminded us why we call him "Photon" with an excel! lent running catch in shallow center without running over KarenT, BobG(SS) bobbled a grounder and made a great recovery to get it to EricG(1B) in time to cut down the runner, and then did it again (minus the bobble) for the third out.
Defensively, we started slowly, but were able to build up plenty of momentum when we needed it. Home runs were hit by Rob and PaulH, and try as we might, we had no tree triples. Emmanuell gets style points for his split to stick to third base in the fifth inning. He also gets the Sneaky Feet award for getting into second base ahead of a throw RBIs were scored by KarenC(2), Rob, Nancy, EricB(3), EricG, Jes, PaulH (4), Randii, and KarenT.
Our last two games are Thursday August 24 (home team against the Wild Turkeys) and Monday August 28 (visitors against the Paper Tigers). Our end-of-season will be after the August 28 game at Ron's house. I'll send out email separately about party stuff. All Bruisers, past and present, and Bruiser fans are invited!
Have a great week, and we'll see ya next week!
Karen :)