Bruisers vs. Goat Scouts. Wednesday, August 22, 2001
Bruisers: Karen C, Scott, Eric, Ann, Andrew, Garson, Nancy, BobbyJoe, Pat, John K, Mikael, Amy, Oreo, Karen T, Jim, Liza, Earl, Mary Beth, John D, & Shaunna
Bruiser fans: Bob Turco (Pat's SO), Dave H (who brought flowers for Amy), Curly, Dave, Jesse, Ellie, Cassie (who once again won the award for "best dressed Bruiser"), and Simon.
Fuddruckers: Karen C, Scott, Eric, Ann, Andrew, Nancy, John K, Karen T, Liza, Earl, Mary Beth, Dave, John D, Jesse, Ellie, Cassie, and Simon.
Box Score:
Inning | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Total | Bruisers | 2 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 9 | Goats | 4 | 8 | 0 | 2 | 0 | x | 14 |
Great turnout with a good estrogen to testosterone ratio! The first couple of innings were iffy at best. Especially the 8-run second inning which included a 2 run homer by a female "Goat." Guess that was our wake up call - fielding kicked into high gear. A big thanks to Earl for noticing that our game improved AFTER he showed up.
Defensive highlights included a couple of good outfield catches by Eric and Garson, a foul ball out which had Andrew running halfway to another field to catch, and the Nancy/Pat 3rd inning. The "blooper reel" caught a John K bobble/where's the ball, and Garson strolling off the field with only 2 outs - leaving Earl & I trying to calmly get him back to 3rd base without tipping off the other team. John K redeemed himself after catching a volleyball bump from Nancy for the final out of the 5th inning. Amy got the "I planned that" award for making a good play at second while she was trying to get out of the way. Last but not least, we have to mention John D who showed up to the game injured & got beaned in the head while he was caught in a 5-2 run down. Good news is he scored - way to take one for the team!
Both Scott & John K crunched the ball for 2-run homers! Since Bobby was absent, Cassie created the Oreo dance in honor of his double. Ann hit a triple, and RBI's were hit in by Karen C, Scott (2), Andrew, Bobby Joe, John K (2), Oreo, and John D.
Next week is our last game of the season - TUESDAY, August 28 on field H2 vs. Wild-IR Turkeys. I know we'll be missing Andy, Bob, Jes, Marc, Mark, and all of the Reddings. Let Karen know who will be showing up!!
Ciao, Ann :-)