Bruisers vs. Gravity Frawgs, August 27, 2008
Bruisers: KarenC, EricB, Jose, Ann, Ron, Nancy, EricG, Nora, Gerardo the Conquering Hero, Amy, BobG, KarenT, Paul, and ScottE
Bruiser fans: Rachel, Wendy, Shayna, Dave, and Liza
Bruiser partiers at the home of His Awesomeness, Ron Alley: everyone except EricG (who had a hotter date than us, apparently) once Jose finished his tour of Glendale and found his way to Ron's house. Many thanks everyone who contributed to the eats, drinks, fun, and cleanup afterwards!
Quotes from the dugout:
- Man, if that were me, I'd still be on the way to second base! - Nancy, after Gerardo's home run (and echoed by other Bruisers)
Box Score:
Inning | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Total | Gr avity Frawgs | 4 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 11 | Bruisers | 1 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 12 |
What a way to end the season -- a walk-off home run! In true Bruiser fashion, we saved the most exciting moment until the very end, as Gerardo, good boy that he is, followed instructions to the letter and hit a home run to end the game, leaving the Frawgs stunned on the field. If there is one wish we could have granted at the end of this season, it's to have the speed, stamina, and skill of a 20-year-old. Yeah. I think that would be it. When he gets old enough, we'll buy him a beer to celebrate.
Frawg outs came thusly: In the first inning, we got a double play when EricG(SS) snagged a little popup and then threw to Nora(SS), and then he got a grounder to Nora for the third out. In the second inning, EricG(3B) picked up grounders and rocketed them to Ron(1B) twice, then BobG(SS) got a grounder to Nora(2B) for the third out. In the third, EricB(C) grabbed a little dribbler and tossed it gently over the runner's head to Ron(1B) for the first out, then BobG(SS) caught a popup, and then BobG(SS) fired a grounder to Ron(1B). In the fourth, EricG(SS) caught a little fly ball, then Ron(1B) made a spectacular running catch in foul territory, and then Jose(3B) caught a high pop fly ball. In the fifth, Ron(1B) made another running catch down the first base line, with KarenC(P) wisely peeling off out of the way (much to Ann's relief), then BobG(SS) got a grounder to Ron(1B), then Jose(3B) fielded a grounder and threw it to Ron(1B) for him to lay a tag on the runner. In the sixth inning, Jose(3B) threw a grounder to Ron(1B), then EricG(SS) got one to Nora(2B), and then Jose(3B) got one to Ron(1B) for the last out.
Defensively, our bats were a little on the quiet side, but we had just enough hits to end up ahead of the Frawgs. Our only home run of the night came from Gerardo (if the fielder hadn't touched the ball, or if the hit had been a couple degrees to the right, it could have been ruled a tree double, but he did touch it, and it wasn't to the right, so most of the cheering really consisted of "RUN! RUN! RUUUNNNN!!!!!"), and we had triples from EricB and BobG who also had a tree double. RBIs were collected by Ron (2), Nancy, EricG (2), Gerardo (2), BobG (3), KarenT, and Paul. BobG gets the Sneaky Feet award for scoring on Paul's hit in the second inning. Nora had nice hit to left center, which was caught by a nice ballet move by the Frawg center fielder.
Our next game is... some time April 2009. In the meantime, everybody rest up, heal up, get the new equipment some of us know we need to get (including Bruiser shirts for some of ya!), and have a great off-season!
Karen :)